Plastic Valve Measurement and Control

Plastic Valve Measurement and Control


For Industrial and
Process Applications

PVC/ABS Ball Valves

Through continuous development Valves Online can offer you a range of innovatively designed quality products for use in applications where plastic is the preferred conveyor and choice of material. Our range of products is available in PVC and ABS with options for more specialised materials including PVDF and Polypropylene amongst others.

Valves Online is recognised for offering customers the most advanced products on the market and by supplying them from reputable world leading manufacturers.

plastic control valves

From tube and fittings to valves, instrumentation and controls, we can supply all you need to build your system.

Many typical systems which require the use of PVC components include flow control systems to regulate the flow of a fluid.
Valves Online have supplied many complete systems including the flow sensor, process controller and control valve as well as any pipe and fittings as needed.

Flow Control

This application can be used based on 3 Smart concepts that meet individual automation solutions for your requirements


When is this concept right for your needs?

  • Layout clarity, flexibility and safety required
  • Information to be available locally
  • For complex plants

What are the special benefits of this solution?

  • Targeted and straightforward process monitoring
  • Simple installation and transparent system design
  • Economic operation through efficient compressed air supply

Typical valves in this system

Type 8616 controller PVC Butterfly Valve with Electric Actuator

Burkert Type 2030 PVC Diaphragm Valve, Manual or Pneumatically actuated with a polyamide Classic Type Actuator with Normally closed function and a PVC-U flow optimised body with zero dead volume and possible self-draining installation.

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Pneumatically Actuated PVDF Ball Valve Extreme Series - A serious valve for serious applications, this perfectly designed series of ball valves offer a PVDF, true double union ended ball valve, with choice of either EPDM or FPM O-Rings with ball seats in PTFE. The valve is fitted onto a powerful Pneumatic actuator offered in either Spring Return or Double Acting, via a special purpose made mounting bracket, which gives rigidity and strength.

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Electric Actuated PVC Butterfly Valve - This actuated high performance PVC butterfly valve is fitted to a powerful Electric Actuator and offered with various options for On/Off duty, Modulating or Failsafe Close on loss of electrical power (battery backup) functions.

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What are the added values in your case?

  • Reliable, clear process monitoring
  • Hygienic design for optimal cleaning capacity
  • Reduced energy costs
  • Fast start-up, easy maintenance
  • Short design phases
  • Simplified engineering
  • Clear cabling and piping concept
  • Fast-switching valve


When is this concept right for your needs?

  • High spatial concentration of valves
  • Flexible design for plant sections
  • Solution can be extended easily and quickly at any time

What are the special benefits of this solution?

  • Small control cabinet or field module close to process
  • The individual components such as control cabinet or field module
    and CLASSIC process valves are ideally suited to each other

Typical valves in this system

Type 8616 controller

Burkert Type 2030 PVC Diaphragm Valve, Manual or Pneumatically actuated with a polyamide Classic Type Actuator with Normally closed function and a PVC-U flow optimised body with zero dead volume and possible self-draining installation.

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The compact universal controller eCONTROL Type BES8611 brings an essential advantage for control variables for flow, temperature, pressure, pH value, conductivity and level coupled with both pneumatic and electric actuators.

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What are the added values in your case?

  • Less engineering, shorter distances
  • Compact solution with control cabinet or stand-alone field module
  • Compatible with all common communication standards
  • Robust and easy to clean
  • Proven plug & play solutions
  • Fast and easy configuration
  • Comprehensive inspection and documentation


When is this concept right for your needs?

  • Central concentration of pneumatic control equipment
  • Isolated installation due to difficult environment and regular washdowns
  • Access restriction

What are the special benefits of this solution?

  • Everything in one place – valve islands in larger control cabinets
  • Proven technology and components that are designed to work with each other – from the control cabinet, valve island and communication module to CLASSIC valves

Typical valves in this system


Type 8652 AirLINE - Optimised for Process Automation - The Burkert valve island Type 8652 AirLINE has been especially developed for applications in process automation. New diagnostic functions can be visualised at the LC display, both in clear text as well as symbols. This makes it easy to relate to the shown messages and helps to save time during start-up and maintenance. Furthermore the diagnostic message is also available in the control. This therefore enables a fast overview of the plant status.

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What are the added values in your case?

  • Everything in one place
  • Protection against corrosion and unauthorised access
  • Tried-and-tested technology for optimal safety
  • Modular assembly for individual solutions
  • Reduced engineering costs thanks to prequalified platforms
  • Fast and easy configuration
  • Comprehensive inspection and documentation

Many factors must be taken into consideration when it comes to the planning, installation and operation of any flow automated solution. At Valves Online we have the knowledge and understanding to ensure that you get the exact solution for all your process needs. Valves Online can offer you expert advice when designing these systems, for example, the best way to install your flow meter to give you the most accurate measurement.

At Valves Online we are focused on finding the leading automation solutions to provide our customers with objective and open advice on all conditions and requirements.
